Elder Law

4 Benefits of Hiring an Elder Law Attorney in Chandler

6 Benefits of Hiring an Elder Law Attorney in Chandler | Citadel Law Firm

4 Benefits of Hiring an Elder Law Attorney in Chandler

If you live in Chandler, AZ and want to protect an older relative's assets, the right lawyer can help. Here are the benefits of hiring an elder law attorney.

Do you know the benefits of hiring an elder law Attorney in Chandler to help with your end of life needs? Are you in Chandler and wondering how to secure and protect your material assets and hard-earned wealth?

This year, 1 in every 13 senior adults have been exploited by fraudsters. Unfortunately, they are exploited by a family member or a primary caregiver. This is because the elderly are vulnerable, and those close to them take this advantage.

But many older people think that they can manage their assets on their own. Some trust their children and don't see the need to hire a lawyer.

Trying to plan on your own may lead to the loss of assets that may have been saved. This could result in a financial crisis later. That is why it's essential to hire an elder law attorney you can trust. Here are 6 essential benefits of hiring an elder law attorney:

1. Estates are Difficult to Manage

Managing and unloading a large estate with many assets might be painful. If you don't get an attorney, you'll spend many hours filling out paperwork and not necessarily doing it correctly. You could end up spending a lot of time without making any progress.

You can avoid this stress by hiring an estate planning attorney. You can also include asset protection in your estate planning by hiring an estate planning attorney that also does elder law.

2. The Power of an Elder Law Attorney

As you get older, it becomes hard for you to remember and make rational decisions. You start fearing what will happen when your health worsens. Before things get out of hand, get an elder law attorney.

3. Managing a Care Plan is Complicated

If you lack a substantial amount of money in the bank, managing and calculating a care plan can be challenging. An elder law expert can assist in establishing legal grounds for why you deserve help and help you apply for government benefits as well. There are ways to protect the hard assets that you worked your whole life for.

4. Dealing with Medicare and Medicaid

Getting an elder law attorney is crucial when you're navigating the landscape of handling Medicaid and ALTCS in Arizona. While you may appear to meet all of the eligibility requirements of Medicaid, you may run into problems along the route. An attorney can assist in solving that problem so that you can get access to government benefits. Applying correctly the first time is the key to get approved. Our firm doesn't even handle appeals as it is very challenging to reverse a denial.If you are subjected to severe abuse or exploited, your lawyer knows how to deal with it.

Have Peace of Mind by Hiring an Elder Law Attorney

Hiring an elder law attorney to protect your assets and organize your documentation can save you time and money in the long run. Also, hiring the right lawyer is worth the financial security you will get.

Our Estate Planning Attorneys care about you. You can find them in Arizona cities like Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Scottsdale and Phoenix.

The sooner you get an elder law attorney, the more peaceful you will feel.

Contact Citadel Law Firm today if you want to secure and protect your material assets and hard-earned wealth. You can schedule a free consultation by clicking here or by calling (480) 565-8020.